The below information is a brief summary of customs regulations when you plan your international shipping toSwaziland, Always double check with your local embassy or consulate to make sure you have all the information you need before you make your move. Contact the nearest Swaziland Embassy.
When you plan your international shipping to Swaziland, the following documents are required for customs clearance:
- DA 304, PI 160 and CA 101
- Passport
- Temporary / Permanent residence documents
- Invoice
- Inventory
When shipping goods overseas to Swaziland, the following items customs guidelines will need to be met:
- As most goods are cleared through customs in the Republic of South Africa (due to Swaziland being land-locked), South African customs formalities are applied and accepted by the Swaziland customs authorities as they share a common customs union agreement.
- Non-Swaziland residents can only apply for a temporary residence permit, which is valid for between 2-5 years, depending on the length of the contract with their employer in Swaziland, and the discretion of the Swaziland Government.
- Plants and vegetable products require a phytosanitary certificate.
- An import license is granted after the owner has made arrangements for the period of quarantine with a licensed kennel.
- Valid firearm certificate
- Import license issued to the owner by the Police authorities
When shipping Motor Vehicles overseas to Swaziland, the following documents and regulations will apply:
- Customs form C104/A
- Document showing that the vehicle has been in the owner’s use and possession abroad for more than one year before the importation of the vehicle (original purchase invoice, insurance certificate, etc.).
- One (1) car per family allowed.
- Duty free entry is allowed if: the vehicles (cars, motorcycles, mopeds) will not be sold or otherwise disposed of for two years after the date of importation.
When shipping goods overseas to Swaziland, the following items are prohibited, but not limited to, from entry into the country:
- Narcotics and drugs
- Pornographic books and magazines
- Walkie-talkies
- Radios
- Certain feathers, furs, skins and tusks of animals coming under the protected species regulations
If you are moving your household, commercial goods or motor vehicles to Manzini, Mbabane or to another other city, please give us a call to go over any questions on documentation.
The regulations are subject to change without notice. Our company is not liable for any costs, damage, delays, or other detrimental events resulting from non-compliance.