The below information is a brief summary of customs regulations when you plan your international shipping to Serbia, Always double check with your local embassy or consulate to make sure you have all the information you need before you make your move. Contact the nearest Serbia Embassy.
Personal Effects and Household Goods;
documentations includes;
* Copy of passport;
* Residence / working permit issued by Ministry of Police; the procedure usually takes one month
* Confirmation from the Police (UVERENJE) for temporary importation (can be obtained from the Police upon submitting the passport with visa and residence permit);
* Detailed inventory lists with mark, types and serial number for electrical appliances and value of the goods;
* Transport document (CMR, B/L, AWB);
Remark: All the items must be used. As per customs regulations of January 2004, temporary importation of NEW BOUGHT items without paying customs duties and taxes is not possible.
The client’s presence is necessary at the moment of applying residence permit.
Importation of the personal belongings without mentioned documents is not possible.
For Household goods of diplomats
* Diplomatic Act of Protocol (issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs), the procedure -usually takes 7 days;
* SNPDV form issued by the concerned Embassy;
* Reciprocate Confirmation issued by the concerned Embassy;
* Copy of the passport;
* Detailed inventory lists with mark, types and serial number for electrical appliances and value of the goods;
* Transport document (CMR, B/L, AWB)
documents required for the importation of a Vehicle:
* Copy of passport;
* Residence / working permit issued by Ministry of Police; the procedure usually takes one month;
* Confirmation from the Police (UVERENJE) for temporary importation (can be obtained from the Police upon submitting the passport with visa and residence permit);
* Original registration card of the vehicle;
Current customs duties and taxes (please confirm with your local embassy)
* Amount of customs duties = value of the vehicle (estimated by customs catalogue) x 20%
* Amount of customs tax= (value of the goods + customs duties) x 18%
REMARK: As per customs regulations of January 2004, Serbian returning citizens pay customs duties and taxes for vehicles, as well. Importation of the vehicles is possible only in case vehicles possess original EUR 3 document.
As per customs regulations of Serbia & Montenegro of August 2005, Serbian retuning citizens do not pay customs duties and taxes for the goods in a value up to EUR 5000,00 in case they spent more than 2 years continuously in concerned city/country. I need to mention that this privilege is valid only for household goods and not for vehicles.
Required document will be original confirmation from Serbian Consulate in concerned city/country stating the client spent more than 2 years continuously working in that country. This confirmation should content beginning and ending of working period.
Required documents:
1. original inventory list;
2. original confirmation from Serbian Consulate in concerned city/country stating the client spent more than 2 years continuously working in that country. This confirmation should content beginning and ending of working period.
3. pro-from value invoice (for customs purposes only, no commercial value and with remark: CPT Belgrade);
4. Very detailed packing list with number of pieces of furniture and list of electrical appliances with marks, types and serial numbers, value for each and every item, signed by the client;
5. Transport document (CMR, AWB, or B/L)
REMARK: In case the subject goods has been exported from Serbia some time in the past, required document will be export customs declaration and customs office will consider it for release of paying customs duties and taxes in case it exceeds EUR 5000,00.
In order to Import pets, the below are the required documents:
* Veterinary certificate issued from the country of origin- not older than 3 months;
* Vaccination certificate – not older than 3 months;
* Passport or tattoo number or microchip number;
* Permit from Ministry of Veterinary and Agriculture Ministry (SIV 2) before arriving of the pet – usually takes 15-20 days;
* Permit for quarantine – issued by Ministry of Veterinary and Agriculture
NOTE: Valued inventory lists are for customs purposes and therefore the value does not have to be the same as used for insurance purposes. However, it is strictly advised not to enclose the list used for insurance purposes along with the shipping documents.
Goods, medicines, pornography, alcohol, narcotics, radioactive material, tobaccos and weapons;
IMPORT OF WINE: The allowance limit for the import of wine and spirits for personal consumption is: Alcohol:1 liter
The regulations are subject to change without notice. Our company is not liable for any costs, damage, delays, or other detrimental events resulting from non-compliance.