The below information is a brief summary of customs regulations when you plan your international shipping to Jamaica. Always double check with your local embassy or consulate to make sure you have all the information you need before you make your move. Contact the nearest Jamaican Embassy.
When you plan your international shipping to Jamaica, The following documents are required for customs clearance:
- Passport
- Import License
- Title of vehicle- (for autos)
- Bill of Lading
- Invoice
- Bill of sight
- Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC)
- Import Entry – C78
When shipping goods overseas to Jamaica, The following items customs guidelines will need to be met:
Household effects are those items basic to the home. For example, furniture, televisions, radios, stoves, refrigerators. Personal and household goods which are not in commercial quantities may be cleared without the services of a licensed Customs Broker. Goods which have a CIF value of the Jamaican equivalent to United States one thousand dollars (US $1,000) or less, may be cleared without the services of a licensed Customs Broker. The clearance of goods valued in excess of this amount will require the services of a licensed Customs Broker.
The customs Tariff, Item 6 of the Second Schedule, allows for each passenger to receive duty concessions in respect to the following:
- A reasonable quantity of waring apparel, articles of personal adornment and toiletries requisites whether new or used
- Instruments and tools to be used by shipper for the purpose of his profession, trade, occupation or employment, provided that they have been in his possession and bona fide use for a reasonable period
- Tobacco and some potable articles including wines and spirits in his baggage or on his person which he might reasonably be expected to carry with him for his personal use, in such quantities as the Commissioner may from time to time approve
- Used household effects which have been in the passenger’s use for a reasonable period of time and are not imported for sale
When shipping goods overseas to Jamaica, The following items are dutiable and/or restricted:
- Meat – requires a certificate
- Ground Provisions – require a certificate
- Fruits and Vegetables – require a certificate
- Drugs – require a PSD certificate
- Firearms – require a permit/license to import
- Used Types – require a certificate
- Radios (two way) – require a permit
When shipping goods overseas to Jamaica, The following items are prohibited from entry into the country:
- Coins – base or counterfeit of any country
- Indecent or obscene prints
- Photographs
- Cinematography films
- Lithographs
- Engraving books
- Packages or packets having there on, or the cover thereof, any words, marks or designs which are grossly offensive or, of an indecent or obscene character.
When shipping Motor Vehicles overseas to Jamaica, The following documents and regulations will apply:
- A returning resident can import two new or used autos (one commercial and one personal) in any three year period
- Used vehicles cannot be more than four years old
- Customer will require a customs broker
- Documents required:
- Import License which must be obtained before auto is shipped
- Passport
- Driver’s license (Customer can drive in Jamaica for one year before a Jamaican license is required)
- Insurance Certificate
- Certificate of Title or registration documents
- Vehicles require invoice detailing the model, accessories and CIF value.
- Tax Compliance Certificate
Moving Pets to Jamaica: The following documents must be presented for the importation of pets:
- A permit from the Veterinary Division of the Ministry of Agriculture must be obtained prior to importation
- Quarantine may be required
- Dogs and cats born and bred in the United Kingdom are the only dogs and cats permitted importation
The regulations are subject to change without notice. Our company is not liable for any costs, damage, delays, or other detrimental events resulting from non-compliance.