The below information is a brief summary of customs regulations when you plan your international shipping to Argentina. Always double check with your local embassy or consulate to make sure you have all the information you need before you make your move. Contact the nearest Argentina Embassy.
When you plan your international shipping to Argentina, The following documents are required for customs clearance:
- Inventory in Spanish, detailed (“PBO” – packed by owner and “misc.” – miscellaneous not acceptable)
- Returning Argentine citizens require a Certificate of Residence from origin country
- Argentine Citizens must provide a valid passport showing that bearer has resided in another country for a period of not less than 12 months and that such residence has not been interrupted with entries into Argentina for more than 40-60 days in the last 12 months prior to entering the country
- Customer may not ship any household goods to Argentina 3 years prior to current shipment of household goods
- Foreign Citizens must provide a valid passport with Resident Visa (minimum period of one year) issued at the country of origin and a Permanent Entry Visa stamped on the passport by immigration authorities at airport of entry
- Customer’s importing household goods with a temporary visa must deposit a “Guarantee” based on the value of the goods
- Customer should declare and note on passport they will be expecting a shipment of household goods
- ALL DOCUMENTS must show customer’s name as it appears in the passport — abbreviations or nicknames NOT acceptable
- Inventory
- Foreigners with a permanent residence visa and/or returning Argentine citizens who have been living abroad for over one year can import used household goods and personal effects duty-free
- Foreigners without a permanent residence visa may import used household goods and personal effects on a temporary basis
- One air and one sea shipment allowed
- Shipment must arrive within six months after customer or three months before
- If shipment arrives over six months after customer, a special permit has to be obtained from the Director General of Customs in Argentina
- These and other regulations may vary according to the customer’s immigration status
- All items must be USED and have been in possession of the shipper for at least one year. New items are subject to high duties and cause delays in customs clearance
When shipping goods overseas to Argentina, The following items are dutiable:
- New items (less than six months old) are subject to high duties
- Gifts
- Only one of each major appliance is allowed
- Sports weapons allowed with proof of ownership
- Alcohol, tobacco and food products (large amounts are subject to confiscation)
- Only two bottles per adult may be imported tax free.
When shipping goods overseas to Argentina, The following items are prohibited from entry into the country:
- Heavy weapons, ammunition and explosives
- Firearms need special permit (Renar-Registro Nacional de Armas) from the local authorities
- Should be numbered separately on inventory and loaded near the container doors for easy access
- Drugs and narcotics
- Pornographic material
- New computers
- Color TVs and new TVs
When shipping Motor Vehicles overseas to Argentina, The following documents and regulations will apply:
- Diplomats are permitted to import used or new autos
- Used autos can be imported by Argentinean returning citizens (abroad for at least two years) or immigrants with residence in Argentina
- Importation of new autos is subject to Ministry of Commerce Administrative regulations and are limited to certain makes and models (consult Destination Agent for specifics prior to forwarding)
- Autos for private use are subject to duty
- One auto per adult (21 years old or older), two per family
- Auto must have been registered in customer’s name and must have been purchased or transferred to customer a minimum of three months prior to arrival of customer in Argentina
- Auto must not be sold for at least one year after clearance
- Auto must be imported within six months of customer’s arrival
- Documents required:
- Original Purchase Invoice
- Title
- Certificate of Residence
- Original Passport
- Original license
- Certification from an Argentine Consulate, establishing that customer has been living in country of origin during the last 12 months (this certificate is mandatory)
- A “CERTIFICADO DE PRE-EMBARQUE” (Pre/Shipment Inspection Certificate) is required for the importation of automobiles and/or motorcycles.
- 2 Original Ocean Bill of Ladings must be in Shipper’s name
- Separate Ocean Bills of Lading are required-one for household goods and one for the auto (even if the household goods and auto are both in container)
- Returning citizens or importers with a permanent visa will pay duties of 78.20% on CIF value. Auto cannot be picked up from customs unless the duties have been paid.
- Argentine citizens returning who might have entered a move a long time ago, or importers with old residence in Argentina may not import a motor vehicle.
- An Argentine citizen who has already imported an auto previously may not import a second auto.
- *Above documents must be certified or Visaed by the Argentine Consulate in the origin country
Moving Pets to Argentina: The following documents must be presented for the importation of pets:
- Air Waybill/Original Bill of Lading
- Veterinary Certificate attesting to the animal’s good health and issued by the Argentine consulate of the owner’s country of origin.
- The shipper musts obtain a government permit to import firearms. The guns will be held in a customs bonded warehouse until the permit is ready (usually 3-6 months).
- Declaration is required prior to customs inspection and proof of ownership is required for customs clearance. Owner’s presence is required for clearance.
If you are moving your household, commercial goods or motor vehicles to Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza, La Plata, Santa Fe or to another other city, please give us a call to go over any questions you may have on import requirements.
The regulations are subject to change without notice. Our company is not liable for any costs, damage, delays, or other detrimental events resulting from non-compliance.