United Kingdom
The below information is a brief summary of customs regulations when you plan your international shipping to the United Kingdom, Always double check with your local embassy or consulate to make sure you have all the information you need before you make your move. Contact the nearest UK Embassy.
When you plan your international shipping to the United Kingdom, the following documents are required for customs clearance:
The C3 customs form is required to clear each shipment through customs. Customs is very strict about this form, and will only accept original forms with original ink signatures, i.e.; fax copies are not accepted.
- Customs Form (Import Declaration), two fully completed originals need to be provided to Customs
- C-3 (Household goods and personal effects for primary residence)
- C-33 (Household goods and personal effects for secondary residence)
- C426 (for diplomatic entry)
- C104A/C104F/C384 (Motor Vehicles)
- C-5 (Pets)
- Valid Passport
- Visa may be required
- Work Permit
- Detailed Inventory in English, two copies, valued, dated and signed by Customer
- Keys for any locked items
When shipping goods overseas to the United Kingdom, the following items customs guidelines will need to be met:
- Goods must arrive within twelve months after Customer or up to six months before customers arrival
- Other regulations vary according to the following:
- Customer moving principal home or returning to the United Kingdom:
- Used household goods and personal effects including tools of trade, can be duty-free if:
- Items have been in Customer’s own use for at least six months before they are imported
- Customer can prove that duty and tax have been paid on them prior to arrival in the United Kingdom
- Customer declares them on C-3
- Customer entering from outside the EC must have lived at least twelve months abroad and cannot sell, lend or hire out or otherwise dispose of the items in the United Kingdom within twelve months of importation, unless Customer obtains Customs authority first
- Customer who is setting up a secondary home in the United Kingdom
- Customers living in another EC country used household goods
- Household goods and personal effects can be duty and tax free if:
- Customer either owns a secondary home in the United Kingdom or is renting one for at least twelve months
- Items have been for Customer’s own use at least three months prior to importation and will not be sold within twelve months after importation
- Customer can prove that duty and tax have been paid on them prior to arrival in the United Kingdom
- Customer declares them on C-33
- Customers living outside the EC
- Used household goods and personal effects can be duty, but not VAT free if:
- Customer has lived for at least twelve months outside the EC
- Customer either owns a secondary home in the United Kingdom or is renting one for at least twenty-four months
- Customer has owned and used the items for at least six months before they are imported
- Customer can not sell, lend, hire out or otherwise dispose of the items in the United Kingdom within twelve months of importation, unless Customs authority is obtained first
- Customer can prove that duty and tax have been paid on them prior to arrival in the United Kingdom
- Customer declares them on C-33
- Special regulations apply to students, newlyweds, visitors, inheritances, those shortly to marry, to goods originating from EC countries, personal antiques (not for resale), etc. Specific details in these cases must be obtained by Customer directly from Embassy/Consulate.
When shipping goods overseas to the United Kingdom, The following items are dutiable and/or restricted:
- New items, if less than six months old (invoice required)
- Alcohol, tobacco and perfume products dutiable and must be declared on Customs Form
- Plants will need a Phytosanitary Certificate
When shipping goods overseas to the United Kingdom, the following items are prohibited, but not limited to, from entry into the country:
- Firearms
- Valid Firearms Certificate issued by the police authorities
- All handguns other than certain .22 caliber target pistols are now illegal in the United Kingdom. Importation is strictly prohibited
- Ammunition, flick knives, explosives and fireworks
- Drugs and narcotics
- Counterfeit currency
- Pornographic material and horror comics
- Meat, poultry, fish and other animal products
- Radio transmitters (CB radios, walkie-talkie, cordless telephones, etc.) not approved for use in the United Kingdom
- Trees, plants, shrubs, seeds, bulbs, soil, potatoes and certain other vegetables and fruits
- Most animals and all birds, whether alive or dead (i.e. stuffed) and certain articles derived from protected endangered species including fur skins, ivory, reptile leather and goods made from the endangered species
When shipping Motor Vehicles overseas to the United Kingdom, the following documents and regulations will apply:
(Including trailers, boats, aircraft, etc. )
- Importation for most private vehicles is duty-free if:
- Owner moving primary residence to the United Kingdom (Customer living outside the EC must have been abroad for more than twelve months) and vehicle has been owned and used abroad by Customer for at least six months
- Was not purchased under duty/tax-free scheme, is for personal use and is not to be resold within one year of importation
- Declaration to HM Customs – must specify year of manufacture, make, model name, serial number, chassis number, engine number, cubic engine capacity, number of cylinders, whether petrol or diesel, whether left or right hand drive, description of the body, price, the odometer reading, any extra or special features (e.g. automatic transmission) and any defects in the auto that would bring the price down
- Documents Required:
- Customs Form C104A (Importing vehicle in connection with moving main residence to the United Kingdom)
- Customs Form C104F (Importing vehicle for a 6-12 month period)
- Customs Form C384 (Importing vehicle when duty is applicable)
- Community Transit Document (T2) obtained from Customs office in the country of exportation
- Registration papers/Title
- Police Certificate or Registration
- Insurance Policy
- Original Purchase Invoice
- Log Book
Moving Pets to the United Kingdom, The following documents must be presented for the importation of pets:
- Very strict restrictions apply
- Health Certificate and proof of inoculation required
- Customs Form C-5 required
- Dogs and cats: six months quarantine required in government approved facility
- Quarantine kennel space limited, must be booked prior to importation
- Import License – not granted until other requirements have been met, and quarantine (six months) in licensed facility has been arranged
Customs regulations are subject to change at any time. The proceeding information is a brief summary of customs regulations applicable to household goods shipments to this destination and is being provided for general guidance to assist our Agents and Customers. Since such regulations are subject to change without notice, Unitrans International cannot be held liable for any costs, damage, delays, or other detrimental events resulting from non-compliance. Always double check with your local embassy or consulate
The regulations are subject to change without notice. Morgan Shipping is not liable for any costs, damage, delays, or other detrimental events resulting from non-compliance.
If you are moving your household, commercial goods or motor vehicles to London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield, Edinburgh or to another other city, please give us a call to go over any questions on documentation.